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 [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story

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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 1:21 pm

How far will you go for your true love...?

Japan, 1708 AD...

War has ravaged the lands of the Gods. It wasn't civil war that is tearing the country apart, no, a new invading force has ripped apart the soil of Nippon. Hakujin is what the Japanese called them. White ghosts...skin as pale as the clouds and eyes the color of emerald and sapphire. Gigantic they were, towering above even the mighty Samurai warriors of Japan, all equipped with gleaming armor and weaponry. These metal-clad monstrosities slowly but surely pushed their way through the lands, leaving no leaf unturned as they repelled back every single brave attempt that the Japanese made to protect their territory. But they have never encountered such strength before...such brute force that it seemed so feeble to even fight back. And it seemed so imminent that Japan would eventually fall into the hands of these invaders...

Up until the battle of Konohamaru that is...

All the Shoguns of Japan have banded together in hopes of one final effort to drive back the white-skinned foreigners. Putting together all their best warriors and swordsmen, the 13 Shoguns of Feudal Japan led a counterstrike against the invaders at the farmlands of Konohamaru, a small rural area just outside of Narra, the capital of Japan at the moment. It's a last ditch effort for the Japanese to make a stand...

Against all odds they won...

The Hakujins were left running, bloodied and with their tails in between their legs. It was more of a stalemate really, but it was the barbarians that retreated...although the Japanese warriors weren't any better themselves. They suffered tremendous losses within their ranks, just like the Hakujins. But the battle wounded the invaders quite deep apparently, considering now months after the bloody battle, there is news of a peace convoy from the invaders that is supposedly going to have a meeting with the 13 Shoguns.

Is it really the end of the struggle...?
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 1:54 pm

[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Princess-2
      The sky was clear and cloudless as Fiona Airas Faeyt looked out over the stern of the great ship, the Queen's Blessing. The sea was calm, the waves lapping at the side of the ship gently. Fiona sighed and turned her back to the spectacular sight. She was in a mood far too dark to appriciate such beauty. Her father has, against her will, sent her to this primitive land as a peace envoy. Her father, the Ambassador of Peace of France had thought it best to send his willful daughter of seventeen to make peace with the barbarians of this new land.

      Fiona scowled miserably, wrinkling her little nose in distaste. In France, she was well-known for her beauty and her mischievous ways at the Court. The most memorable pair of eyes play peak-a-boo with soft lashes, innocent and wide, the cobalt orbs are set in a naive face. Every curving cheek or sloping jaw line shows signs of her complex nature, the column of her frail neck and childlike face contributes to the misconception that she is young, naive. Her long, trailing tresses are golden blond that tend to take on the soft, glowing taints of auburn and they are of a soft consistency. The airy strands are left tumbling down, curling around her face and gentle curve of shoulder. The softly waving cascade of golden locks are just an inch or four below her hips. Bright, dark blue eyes peer from below her slow arch of eyebrows, the sapphire hues warm and bold. She has long limbs and a masterful control over her body expression and movement. Her limbs are balanced with shy whispers of avian delicacy, graceful limbs a dancer could only wish for.

      "My lady," a voice said from behind her. Fiona turned and nodded to the captian, giving him permission to speak. "We will dock in an hour, miss."

      She sighed heavily. "Very well, Captian," she said, a low, fluid voice that held traces of a soft and wild accent. The Captain was English, and so she had to speak in the plain and unimaginative language to him. "You may go." She dismissed him without another glance and turned to look back over the sea. Land could be spotted now. She wrinkled her nose once more. Wonderful...
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 4:48 pm

[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Chara_mitsurugi

"Captain Yoshitsune, a ship approaches!", a youth blared out as he ran through a dirtpath. The boy was running towards the direction of armored men, one of them slowly turning his head to look the shouting child from behind him. The one who turned his head was shirtless, except that his left arm and shoulder are protected by armor. He was Japanese alright, apparent from his long, jet-black hair and equally dark narrow eyes. But his height and physique was very much one of a kind for a Japanese or anyone of Asian ethnicity in fact. He towered over the rest of his men, just about past 6 feet to be exact and with a muscular build that rivalled even the biggest of the giant Hakujin invaders. From his rugged, unkempt features and his tough-guy swagger, anyone can tell he's a seasoned warrior. Also from the scar that appears to be inflicted by a musket is an evidence that he has survived his share of battles with the invaders...

"Is it them Yo...?", one of the other men asked the shirtless warrior. With a rough snort, the enormous warrior slowly turned his body to face the ocean. Squinting, he raised a hand to push away the long locks of his black hair away from his eyes to see better. "Hai...it is them...", he said with a smile.

I wonder how the ambassador would look like...apparently it's a woman they are sending...

Slowly he moved towards a harnessed horse, tugging at its strings to have the beast of burden follow him. "Well I guess I, Yoshitsune Miura, will give them peacekeepers a warm greeting...", it was all he said to the rest of the men as he straddled the horse...


"Raise the oars!!!", shouted out the ship captain, with the first mate repeating the command to the rest of the shipmates as the shore approached the ship. From the decks anyone could see that there was no welcoming party prepared for them, only a lone horserider waited for the ship to beach itself. The captain thought with disgust, spitting to his side as he watched the horserider, "The pox on them pagans..." His hand reached up to his chest, grasping a wooden cross attached to a silver chain.


"God they are hideous even from afar...", Yoshitsune mumbled to himself with humor as he soothed his horse with a gentle rub upon the back of its ears. Coughing to clear his throat, he practiced the lines he's going to tell the visitors, all of it going to be spoken in English, the enemies' common language apparently. This is going to be one hell of a day...
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 12:40 am

      A few moments passed and the ship was docked, men hauling ropes over the side to be secured. Fiona observed all this with an air of disinterest. She, like the Captain, noticed that only one made stood on the dock waiting to greet them. She came up behind the Captain and stood at his right. "Wait to curse them until we leave this place, if you please Captain," she said loftily. "I'd rather not be a victim of the pox you so casually curse them with." She kept her cobalt eyes trained on the man on the dock. From this distance, he looked unkempt and barbaric. Her chin rose automatically in indignation. They sent one man to greet her, and it was this shirtless heathen? She squared her shoulders and smoothed her skirts. At least she would not arrive looking untidy.

      She took the Captain's arm once the loading boards were set in place for her departure. Her name was announced loudly to the man on the docks. She seemed to float down the plank beside the bumbling Captain. She had worked for years to acquire the skill to make it seem as though she glided rather than walked. The Captain walked her to the large man and bowed, excusing himself. His duty was to get her to this land only, not to follow her about like a manservant. Fiona looked at the man, well, looked up really. She had to crane her neck back to look at him in the face since she only reached the middle of his chest. Not for the first time, she cursed her height.

      "Greetings," she said in what little Japanese she had been taught, "I am Fiona Airas Faeyt, envoy of peace from the King of France."
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 4:16 pm

Yoshitsune watched as the men aboard the galley scurried around the deck as they approached the dock that the samurai was waiting on. Dismounting his horse, Yo spat out the grass stalk that he was absently chewing on for the past few minutes while waiting for the ship. Eventually he is able to see the faces of those aboard the ship. Indeed one of the passengers was a woman, quite small compared to the rest of the Hakujin that Yo have seen.

Well all I've seen before are the men...

When the ship is just a couple of yard away from the dock and when the crew have thrown the anchor down, he heard someone scream out what Yoshitsune could only assume as someone's name. He couldn't understand the rest, but all he caught was hopefully what the peace ambassador's name was Fiona Airis...Airas...Aires...whatever. Yo settled with what he could only pronounce.

With the loading boards finally placed and the ship secured with ropes, the dainty golden-haired female stepped out with a burly male escorting her off. She was small alright, just up to Yo's chest when she decided to face him while introducing herself. Yo prepared himself to speak using the Hakujin language which just led him to be startled when the demure female speak in Japanese. Though it was quite brutal and the words mostly mispronounced Yoshitsune caught what most of what the girl was saying. Her name was indeed Fiona and that she came from some country called France, wherever that is...

"I...Yoshitsune Kaiden Miura...Cap...captain of the Japanese Army...", Yoshitsune replied back in broken English. Slowly Yo took a step back, allowing himself enough room to bow waist down to the golden haired girl in front of him.
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 5:16 pm

      A Captain? She had gone from being in the charge of one Captain to another. At least the previous one spoke English. She could tell this... what did he say his name was? Yoshi something or other? It didn't matter, her father had told her that these people used other's last names only or some rubbish like that. Miura was it? She grimaced inwardly, feeling a headache coming on from the complicity of these people's culture.

      "Well, Captain," she said slowly in English, so he could understand her, "I wish to speak to the Sh-Shogunates immediately." She stumbled over the foreign word, but quickly recovered. She wanted to get the discussions over with as quickly as possible and get off this retched island. She looked behind him, her eyes seeking out a carriage for her to ride in. All she could see what the horse that the Captain has dismounted from. She suddenly felt sick. They didn't really expect her to... ride that? Of course she had been taught to ride as a child at the Court, but when she was ten she had taken a nasty spill and the horse had nearly killed her. Since then she refused to even go near a horse.

      ((I was thinking maybe the Shoguns could be busy and wouldn't be able to see Fiona for like...a week for something. Give Yo and Fiona some time to bond.))
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 5:47 pm

Though the girl masked it well, Yoshitsune's keen eyes noticed that the girl is trying her hardest not to cringe...or even puke actually. She seemed totally...disgusted by something. Can't be me, I took 2 baths this damn morning..., the swordsman told himself as he continued to watch the tiny girl in front of him. Giving the rest of the golden-haired barbarians a quick glance, he turned his eyes on Fiona once again, giving her a nod of acknowledgment over her demand to talk to the 13 Lords right away.

The sooner you talk to 'em the faster you get the hell out of my land...

Yoshitsune noticed that the girl tried to look past him, as if to check if there were more like Yo who's coming to greet her. "I'm sorry princess but, we weren't ready to...accomodate your needs. For you came earlier than expec-...expected.", though he stumbled with a couple of words his English was right on. A quick apologetic bow to the young lady and Yoshitsune hurried himself towards the horse, pulling the beast towards the girl.

"I hope you know how to ride...?"

[ooc: way ahead of you m'lady, I was already planning something like that]
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 5:59 pm

      She made a vexed sound in her throat and looked away from Yoshitsune, back towards the ship. When she turned back to him, he had brought his mount closer. It look all of Fiona's willpower not to cringe away from the beast. The back of her head throbbed suddenly, a horrible reminder of the hoof that had nearly cleaved her skull in two the last time she had ridden a horse. Unconsciously, she rubbed the back of her head tenderly, feeling the scar beneath her golden locks.

      "Yes, I know how to ride," she said curtly, eyeing the saddle. "But you have no sidesaddle." She was quick to point that out, hoping the taller man would call for a carriage or a litter for her to ride in. She very carefully kept her face neutral, but she could not hide the waver in her voice. On top of not wanted to get on the beast, she hadn't ridden a horse in seven years. She would probably make a fool of herself trying to get on the animal.

      ((Aha. So clever.))
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 9:15 pm

Hearing her complain about his mount, something about it having no side-saddle, Yoshitsune tried to stifle a disapproving smirk. Any other day Yoshitsune would have a palanquin ready to service royalties such as this young lady but right now he seriously wasn't prepared. Besides Yo thought that they would have their own beasts...

What kind of princess doesn't have her own horse...

Patting the horse's rump to soothe the animal, he offered Fiona an apologetic look before replying to her unspoken demand. Yo knows that the woman doesn't want to mount the horse, let alone ride it. "I'm sorry m'lady but this is all I can offer you at the moment is my own animal. He's a sturdy beast and won't fail you if that is what you are worried about..."

And then with a smile when their eyes met, Yo continued, "And I swear...on my life, that I will not let anything happen to you."
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 9:42 pm

      She was about to retort that he'd probably be glad if she fell off and broke her neck, but the genuine smile on his face stopped her. In spite of herself, she felt a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Very well," she said, schooling her face to her usual haughty mask. She took a deep breath and approached his horse, her hand reaching out to take the reigns gently. She knew she'd never be able to ride side saddle in that saddle, she'd have to ride astride.

      She put her foot in the stirrup and hoisted herself up onto the saddle. If she had known she would be riding like this, she would have packed split skirts. At least she would if she owned any. She managed to remain in the saddle, though her skirts were pushed up past her knees. She blushed slightly, hearing a whistle from the ship. These people might not have any decency, but by God she did! She tried in vain to push her skirts down. Seeing that it was useless, she squared her shoulders and tried her best to look impassive, though the flush in her cheeks might have given her away.
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 11:02 pm

Hearing her accept his apologies and seeing her finally making a move to mount the horse, Yoshitsune instinctively almost reached out and grip Fiona by her slender waist but instead he thought better. His intention to help might be mistaken for him trying to cup a feel of the girl's young body, especially when everyone's eyes are on them already. When the girl finally managed to place herself on top of the mount without Yo's help, he noticed that the hem of her skirt was riding up the girl's thighs, leaving an eyeful of her creamy skin exposed.

Just as expected a couple of chuckles and whistles were thrown at them by the sailors and the shipmates. Yoshitsune waited patiently until Fiona finished positioning herself before the swordsman turned his attention on the sailors. With a loud commanding voice, his right arm absentmindedly gripped the scabbard of his sword, the vein on his straining bicep throbbing as he shouted in thickly accented yet obviously irritated English. "Do you know that we cut the tongues off mindless curs like yourselves? Apologize to the lady now!"
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 11:34 pm

      The blush on Fiona's cheeks turned several shades darker as Yoshitsune reprimanded the sailors and demanded an apology. Her chin rose indignantly, and she turned her face away from the ship, tugging on the reigns so that the horse turned as well. The sudden movement of muscle bunching and moving beneath her as she horse obediently turned as she wished nearly unsaddled her. She wasn't used to the movements of a horse anymore. She straightened herself, hearing jeers and shouts coming from the ship, whether they were for her or for the Captain, she could say nor could she claim to care.

      "That's quite alright, Captain," she said loftily. "I'm sure my father will have a few choice words for them and a trip to the jailhouse when we return to France." She tried to seem as though she was completely comfortable atop the mount, but her knuckles were white from holding the reigns so tightly. "Shall we continue?"
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyFri Aug 08, 2008 9:07 am

Another menacing glare which he sent to the sailors' direction and Yoshitsune allowed himself to relax. He knows its unwise to start a fight with the crew of the peace ambassador but Yo couldn't really let such a disgusting display of behaviour like that slide.

Hakujin...what can you expect from them but that...

He then focused his attention instead to the girl, who looked really awkward sitting sideways on top of the large beast. She really looks like she's about to fall off., Yoshitsune thought with humor, causing his lips to curl into a small smile as he grabbed the reigns from Fiona's straining hands. "Here, I'll make sure you won't fall off...", absentmindedly saying the whole sentence in Japanese right before he leaped with little effort on top of the horse. The animal cringed and neighed for a good few moments when it felt Yoshitsune's added weight on its back but eventually it calmed down enough for the Captain and his passenger. "Gomen nasai...really sorry about this...", he whispered to Fiona before grabbing the reigns from either side of the girl. With his thick arms safely securing Fiona and preventing her from falling off (or from moving at all for that matter), Yo jabbed the heels of his wooden sandals in the horse's flank, causing the animal to stir and gallop at full speed.


They left the docks at bright noon, and now that the city gates of Narra loomed from within
the horizon it was already the beginning of dusk. Yoshitsune's horse, Red Hare, still galloped as fast as it can, but the captain knows it needs to rest soon. And so does the girl...

"Kiyahh! Kiyahhhhh!!", Yo spurred on the animal once again, sending it to run in an even faster pace, as if the beast also knows that the ride is almost over.
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyFri Aug 08, 2008 3:12 pm

      Fiona didn't understand what he said before she jumped up behind her, but she got the main gist of it. She sat very straight in the saddle, trying very hard not to touch him, but trying not to let it show. She had only ever rode double with her father when she was a small child. The feeling of riding with her father and being pressed against this giant were unfathomably different. She tried not to fidget against him, keeping her blue eyes set straight forward and pretending that he wasn't there, though with with his large arms holding her in place, it was a difficult thing to do.

      The ride was long and tiring, half way there, she had given up trying to stay straight in the saddle. Exhausted by her efforts to refrain from too much contact with the Captain, she slumped against him and was silent for the rest of the journey, partially because she fell asleep against him. It was no peaceful dreams that waited for her, only images of run away horses and six feet tall barbarians...
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyFri Aug 08, 2008 3:34 pm

Throughout the last leg of the ride, Yoshitsune was too engrossed at trying to get to the city before the last of the sunlight dies out that he didn't feel the girl slumping against his form as exhaustion took a toll on her. It was only when he finally slowed down due to the heavy traffic of other horseriders, carts and palanquins that walked the outside of the city that Yoshitsune felt the girl's gentle weight leaning upon his chest. He looked down at the girl, the rational side of him almost caused him to nudge the girl awake. For someone of Yo's renown and legendary fame as a great swordsman and hero of the Japanese Armada, it is not really a good idea to be seen having a female Hakujin sleeping peacefully upon his bare chest. Let alone someone who looks like Fiona...

She may have eyes as big as a deer, nose as pointy as the tip of my sword and pasty skin...but she's pretty I suppose..., Yo told himself with a smile as he continued to watch the sleeping girl. But instead of waking her up, he instead allowed her to continue resting up until he definitely needs to have the girl awake. The horse trotted its way past the crowd that all stared at the armored hero with a Hakujin girl practically in his arms.

It wasn't really that far off from the city gates to the castle of the Shogunates, but to Yo, it was the longest part of the whole trip. Everywhere he turned, people were watching him...or the girl at least. I wonder what would have happened to you if I wasn't with you..., Yo thought as he looked at the sleeping Fiona once again, this time gently patting the girl's back to wake her up as he whispered.

"My lady...we're here..."

In front of them loomed a fortress that seemed more like a piece of art than the impregnable castle its supposed to be. With swirling curved rooftops adorned with wooden dragons, beige marble walls, and cherry blossom trees lining up its perimeter, it looks more and more like a resting house for the rich...
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyFri Aug 08, 2008 4:44 pm

      Her dreams were restless, shifting from disturbing scene to the next. Though the most disturbing by far was where the Captain was wrapping his arms around her, one hand gently cupping her cheek and lowering his head until their lips met...

      Fiona was pulled from the dream by a pat on her back. Groggy, disoriented, and sore from the ride, she looked around, her brow furrowed in a small confused frown. She felt a pressure from behind and twisted in the saddle to look up at Yoshitsune. The images of their lips locked together flashed through her mind as she was reminded of her dream. She flushed a deep red and turned quickly from him, swallowing a groan. What the hell had that been about? She made herself busy with looking around attentively. The were at the Shogun's palace, or so she assumed. She remained very still, since she could not dismount until Yoshitsume got down first.

      The back of her neck tingled and she paid more attention to the people around them, most were looking at her with a mixture or fear, disgust and hatred. She swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. Never in her life had anyone looked at her like that. She sat up a little straighter and looked straight ahead to the palace.
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyFri Aug 08, 2008 6:07 pm

Sensing the girl twist her form as Yo tapped her back, he automatically looked down and at her to check what was going on. It was at that moment when Fiona's eyes opened up and met his. A sudden shade of red permeated the skin of her cheeks, and she looked away from him quite quickly but not quick enough to hide the embarassed look on her eyes from Yoshitsune. What the hell was that about?, spurring the beast a few more steps and finally Yo decided to give the thing a break. Letting go of the reigns he jumped off the animal's back.

In an instant a young boy, most likely one of the squires or servants, approached Yoshitsune with his head bowed low. "Isogi! Go! Fetch me the maids to service the lady here! Tell them to prepare food and a room for her to use!", Yo bellowed the whole command in Japanese. And just as quickly the boy darted away from Yo after giving him an acknowledging nod. Another male servant approached Yo, this one grabbing a hold of Red Hare's reigns to steady the animal as Fiona tried to get off.

"M'lady, do you wish to use one of the rooms in the castle for now to freshen up while I prepare the Shoguns to meet with you?", slowly holding out a hand for Fiona to take while she tried to get off the horse's saddle.
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyFri Aug 08, 2008 6:38 pm

      Once Yoshitsune had dismounted, she slid carefully of the horse, keeping her skirts down. She was grateful when her feet touched solid ground. Her legs were extremely sore from riding so long, and they wobbled unsteadily. She clutched at the pommel of Red Hare's saddle until she had steadied herself. We had gone from having sea legs to having a burning aching in her inner thighs. She grimaced inwardly, but stepped away from the horse. Her legs held. She sent up a silent prayer, and looked towards the palace. It wouldn't do to show up to a peace treaty meeting as disheveled as she was, but the sooner she got this over with the better. She glanced at Yoshitsune out of the corner of her eyes, a red tint stealing over her pale cheeks once more. Yes, the sooner the better., she thought to herself, trying to push the images from her dream from her mind.

      She ran idle fingers through her blond locks and smoothed her skirts. She wasn't quite as prim as she had been when she left the ship, but she was presentable. "I would like to see them now, if you please, Captain," she said, looking back towards the palace.
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyFri Aug 08, 2008 10:10 pm

He could tell that the girl is just trying her hardest to stand, let alone probably walk. A long ride like that can take a toll on anyone, even to the toughest of them all like Yoshitsune, especially on someone who just came from a long sea voyage. Though she didn't really collapse when her feet dropped to the ground, his keen eyes once again told him more than what Fiona is showing. And those keen eyes caught the sight of her cheeks flushing red once again...

He gave her a few moments to fix and prim herself up. It was after that when Fiona told him that she wanted an immediate meeting with the Shoguns. The hell does she think? That the 13 Lords are always together in one room?!, but he knew the girl is beyond reasoning. She really wants the whole peace treaty issue to be over with. "Yes m'lady, as you wish. But it'll take some time to get the lords together. I hope you understand that Lady Fiona...", at that Yoshitsune bowed in apology to the girl, though he doesn't really know why he should be apologizing really. "So please...rest, enjoy your short stay here in Nihon, hai?", again Yo tried to buy some time, for he also wants to get some rest too...badly. His groin feels like pounded kobe meat after riding Red Hare for that long...

Slowly he wheeled around, taking the lead through the castle courtyards. He passed by many acquaintances and some good friends, giving them the occassional nod or a bow for someone of a higher status than Yo is. When he went past the barracks is when things got kind of awkward for the swordsman. The men in front of the barracks are Yo's men, seasoned warriors like he is and well-met with the Hakujin invaders. At least with the males that is...

"Hey Yoshi! Who's that little thing you're dragging along?! A Hakujin's little floozy or something?!", one of the males jeered in Japanese to the captain, causing Yo to flush in both embarassment over the man's rudeness towards Fiona. But what irked him was when the man called Fiona a floozy. "Iye Kuronagi-sama, she is not a floozy, but sadly your wife is one. I saw her getting ravaged by a Hakujin last night and oh boy was she enjoying it!", at that statement the other male was left silenced while Yo led Fiona away from the barracks with a small, satisfied smile on his lips.

Up a flight of stairs and more walking for the two of them...

"Gomen nasai...really sorry about that incident Miss Fiona...", Yoshitsune mumbled to the girl without facing her or even stopping in his tracks.
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Little Queen
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptySun Aug 10, 2008 4:36 am

      She looked around curiously as they walked through the palace. Things were so different in this land. The women in their yards of silk and painted faces and men wearing skirts. It was all strange and unusual to Fiona. Yoshitsune kept a quick pace and Fiona tried not to grimace as she walked, her legs aching terribly. The larger man's stride was much longer and Fiona had to hurry so as not to fall behind. Normally she would have insisted that he slow down, but she wanted to meed these Shoguns and leave this land. She noticed as they walked, that Yoshitsune seemed well respected among the people in the palace, people bowed to him regularly. Maybe he was more than a simple captain.

      They walked past the barracks, and Yoshitsune and another man exchanged words. Fiona didn't follow it all, but she caught the majority of what the man said. She bristled in anger and was about to unless a volley of harsh words at the man, but Yoshitsune responded before her and whatever he said silenced the man immediately. She allowed herself to be steered away from the barracks, still fuming silently. It took her by surprise when Yoshitsune apologized.

      She blinked up at him, taken off guard. "Its alright," she told him, still staring up at him. When he didn't look at her, she pulled her eyes away from him and continued walking. After several moments of silence she said, "What did you say to him to silence him so completely?"
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Sex Pot

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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptySun Aug 10, 2008 10:22 pm

A couple of maids passed Yoshitsune and the girl by as they continued to walk through the second level of the castle, with the samurai giving them a flirty wink which sent the two females giggling before they politely silenced themselves to bow to the swordsman and Fiona like any servant should. It was when they left that Yoshitsune wheeled around to face Fiona, a silly smile on his lips as he waited till the maids are out of hearing distance before he spoke.

"I told that rude fellow that his wife was a floozy...and that I saw her last night...making love to a barba-I mean...a Hakujin...", he scratched the back of his head as if embarassed by what he just said. Which he really was embarassed about anyways...

He bowed immediately again to the girl, "As I said before, I'm really sorry for that man's rudeness. I could have him put in the stockades for punishment if that is what you wish m'lady..."
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Little Queen
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Registration date : 2008-08-05

[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story   [ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story EmptyThu Aug 14, 2008 5:37 pm

      She dismissed the maids as soon as they were out of sight, forgetting them immediately. Like most nobility in her country, she cared little for servants. They were not something worth noticing. Fiona paused for a moment, looking up at Yoshitsune uncertainly. "Hakujin?" she repeated, frowning slightly. "What are Hakujin?" Of course she wouldn't know the Japanese term for her people. No one had told her they even had a term for them.

      She looked up at Yoshitsune, her blue eyes expectant.

      [Sorry, I know its pitiful, but I thought it'd be better than nothing and let our rp die]
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[ Sonnets of The Two Kingdoms ] :: A Feudal Era Love Story Empty
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